The OVMS has a builtin webserver for HTTP and HTTPS. The web UI framework provides the local graphical user interface for configuration and using the module. It has some features the mobile Apps cannot currently provide, and it can be extended easily by custom plugins.

The webserver also implements a WebSocket channel for live (push) transmission of metrics updates, events, logs etc. from the module to the browser. This channel can be used to subscribe to live updates not only by a browser but also by e.g. a Wifi button or console.

The web framework builtin functions can be used as REST API endpoints as well, for example for command execution or file download/upload.

Regarding file access, the webserver also provides optional direct access to the files stored on the SD card. A directory browser is also provided, so you can easily check and download e.g. log files or data written by a plugin.

The web UI framework is meant to be used as a single page UI, but you can open multiple instances (separate browser sessions) from any client. All URLs are bookmarkable deep links, so can be accessed directly. The web framework takes care of user authentication and will automatically ask for a login as necessary.

The web UI is built as a Web App, so all functions can be added as browser shortcuts to a mobile phone’s or tablet’s App launcher. Hint: using the shortcut, most mobile operating systems will remove the browser navigation bar, freeing up precious screen space.

The web UI adapts to almost any screen resolution and orientation. It can be switched into full screen mode and provides an alternative night mode dark style for night time driving (or cooler looks).

Depending on the vehicle type and the plugins installed, the web UI will provide different menus and functions. Plugins can provide completely new pages or add/modify existing ones, for example to extend the dashboard by some custom buttons or displays.

Accessing the Web UI

The webserver can be accessed on all active network interfaces. Check network status for the list of interfaces and their IP addresses.

We recommend keeping the Wifi AP mode enabled, so you can always connect your phone/tablet to the module’s network and access the web UI at the fixed IP address:

In the network the Wifi client is connected to, you normally can access the module by its name in the mDNS “.local” domain, i.e. http://<vehicleid>.local/, and of course as well directly via the IP address assigned to the module in that network. Consider configuring your Wifi router to assign a fixed IP address to the module.

An alternative option to using the module AP is letting the module connect to your smart phone’s AP (tethering). That way it can also use the internet connection of your smart phone (as long as it’s connected). You may need to connect via the IP address though, mDNS does not work on most tethering implementations.

Finally, if your mobile data plan includes inbound IP routing or some proxy service (e.g. for Spacebridge), you can connect using the IP address or forwarding port provided. Be aware that’s slow compared to Wifi, but totally usable, as the web framework is optimized for low data usage and dynamically loads assets as needed.

For “Spacebridge”, you only need a proxy rule for destination port 80 to access the web UI, as the WebSocket also runs on port 80. If you configured your web server for HTTPS, add a rule for port 443.


Hint: using a service like “Spacebridge” also enables you to connect to the module’s SSH port via the cellular network. To use this, add a proxy rule for destination port 22 (SSH).

Note: depending on your provider and data plan, inbound IP routing may be implemented by some proxy service (like “Spacebridge”) or by using actual public IP addresses. If you get a dynamic public IP, you’ll currently need to take care of determining the IP yourself, the module does not yet provide a dynamic DNS client. Using the builtin Javascript plugin extendability, you can attach a HTTP call to network changes to implement a simple DynDNS client.

User Authentication

The authentication necessary differs by the page or file accessed. For example, the “home” menu (page of buttons to all functions) and the dashboard can always be accessed without any authentication.

When first accessing a protected page, the module will ask for a login and password:

  • Login: currently always admin (or leave empty)

  • Password: enter your configured module password (Config → Password)


When using stored passwords and having trouble logging in, remember your browser password manager may have decided to save your Wifi or server password before. Try manual entry.

On a new module or right after a factory reset, no login is necessary, as the module password is unset. You should secure access as soon as possible by setting a password via the setup wizard or Config → Password.

User sessions are valid for 60 minutes. Any UI action taken (i.e. opening some page) renews the session for another 60 minutes. Note: the session ID is stored in a temporary session cookie, so it will also be lost when closing the browser.

To actively end a session, click “Logout” in the menu bar.

URLs meant to be used as sessionless (REST) API endpoints provide alternative authentication based on an apikey parameter. This parameter currently expects the configured module password, an actual API key management is still todo.

The authentication method for accessing files on the SD card is by default standard HTTP digest authentication also requiring the module (admin) password. This can be disabled in the webserver configuration (Config → Webserver). There’s also an option to restrict authentication to certain directories only (see config UI for details).

Enabling HTTPS

To enable encryption (HTTPS, WSS) you simply need to install a TLS certificate + key.

Public certification authorities (CAs) won’t issue certificates for private hosts and IP addresses, so we recommend to create a self-signed TLS certificate for your module. Use a maximum key size of 2048 bit for acceptable performance.

Example/template using OpenSSL:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes \
  -keyout ovms.key -out ovms.crt -subj "/CN=vehicleid.local" \
  -addext "subjectAltName=IP:,IP:"

Change the name and add more IPs as needed. The command produces two files in your current directory, ovms.crt and ovms.key. Copy their contents into the respective fields in Config → Webserver.


As this is a self-signed certificate, you will need to explicitly allow the browser to access the module on the first HTTPS connect.

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