eDriver BMS Monitor
Status monitor for the Twizy custom eDriver BMS by Pascal Ripp
Version 2.0 by Michael Balzer <dexter@dexters-web.de>

This is a simple web page plugin to display the standard battery cell info along with the additional custom data provided by the eDriver BMS on one page.
Additional custom data:
Main state
Error state
BMS internal temperature
AUX relay state
Cell balancing states
Note: these are read from their respective custom metrics xrt.bms.…
see Custom Metrics.
Overall SOC, voltage, current and coulomb/energy counters are also shown to simplify battery capacity and current sensor calibration.
Check out the eDriver BMS Manual for details or contact Pascal in case of questions.
web plugin, recommended setup:
Type: Page
Label: eDriver BMS Monitor
Menu: Vehicle
Auth: Cookie
V2.0 – Added cell balancing time totals + SOC & voltage use/charge range
V1.0 – Initial release