

You’ll need a Linux. OSX, BSD, or other flavour of Unix, server with a public IP address and a shell account able to setup a daemon listening on a port. You’ll need a modern version of perl running on that server, and a bunch of perl modules (from cpan).

You’ll need a MYSQL server running on the same machine, or another machine, and credentials to be able to create a database and accounts.

This could possibly run on a windows server, but you are on your own ;-) [ let us know instructions if you manage to get it running ]

Clone from GitHub

Start the installation with a clone from GitHub:

You can then change into the v3/server directory, and start the installation process.

Perl Module Installation

You will need, at a minimum, the following modules from CPAN (or from your distribution’s package manager):

  • Config::IniFiles

  • Digest::MD5

  • Digest::HMAC

  • Crypt::RC4::XS

  • MIME::Base64

  • DBI

  • DBD::mysql

  • EV

  • AnyEvent

  • AnyEvent::HTTP

  • AnyEvent::HTTPD

  • HTTP::Parser::XS

  • Data::UUID

  • Email::MIME

  • Email::Sender::Simple

  • Net::SSLeay

  • JSON::XS

  • Protocol::WebSocket

  • Time::Piece

MySQL Setup

Create a mysql database “openvehicles” and use the ovms_server.sql script to create the necessary ovms_* tables. Create a mysql username and password with access to the database.

Insert a record into the ovms_cars table, to give you access to your own car:

vehicleid: DEMO
owner: 1
carpass: DEMO
userpass: DEMO
cryptscheme: 0
v_lastupdate: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

Obviously, change the vehicleid, carpass and userpass as necessary. The only required fields are vehicleid and carpass.

If you are upgrading from server v2 to v3, you can instead source the ovms_server_v2_to_v3.sql code to migrate your database schema.

OVMS Server Configuration

Copy conf/ovms_server.conf.default to conf/ovms_server.conf to provide a template for your configuration. Then modify the configuration as appropriate.

OVMS Server Access to MySQL

In the config/ovms_server.conf file, define the access to the mysql database:


If the host is remote, change the host= parameter to be the remote IP address. Use for local.

Test the connection with:

$ mysql -h -u <mysqlusername> -p
Enter password: <mysqlpassword>
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

If you get “ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied”, fix it before proceeding. The most likely cause is a mistake in your mysql user grant rights.

Enable SSL (optional)

If you want to support SSL connections to your server (port 6869 for the REST API, port 6870 for OVMS MP), you need to supply a certificate. You can create a self-signed certificate or get a certificate signed by some root CA for your server.

In both cases you need to merge the private key PEM and the chain PEM into the file “ovms_server.pem” located in the same directory as the “”. Also take care to secure the file, as it now contains your private key.

To create a self-signed certificate, do:

$ openssl req -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout privkey.pem -x509 -days 365 -out fullchain.pem
$ cat privkey.pem fullchain.pem >conf/ovms_server.pem
$ chmod 0600 conf/ovms_server.pem

Or, if you want to reuse e.g. your Let’s Encrypt server certificate, do this as root:

# cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/yourhost/privkey.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/yourhost/fullchain.pem >conf/ovms_server.pem
# chmod 0600 conf/vms_server.pem
# chown youruid. conf/ovms_server.pem

… and add a cron job or certbot hook to check for renewals and redo these steps as necessary.

Configure the Plugins

The OVMS Server v3 is based on a pluggable architecture. The plugins themselves are stored in plugins/system and plugins/local directories. You must configure (in conf/ovms_server.conf) the plugins that you require.

We recommend the following:



Authentication is typically via username+password from the ovms_owners table. But that depends on what plugin you have configured to do it. The ApiHttpCore calls the overloaded plugin function ‘Authenticate’ to perform the authentication.

You either need to use the supplied AuthDrupal plugin (which espects drupal style strongly hashed passwords in ovms_owners table), or write your own (registering and providing the ‘Authenticate’ function. You can use AuthDrupal as an example.

Run The Server

You can run the server manually with:

$ ./

If your linux host is running systemd, you can also look at support/ovms_server.service and support/ovms.logrotate as examples for how you can run this as a background daemon.

  1. ENJOY

Any questions/comments, please let us know.

Mark Webb-Johnson March 2020