Tasmota Smart Plug Control

Smart Plug control for hardware running the Tasmota open source firmware

Version 2.1 by Michael Balzer <dexter@dexters-web.de>

The plugin primarily aims at using the smart plug to control & automate starting and/or stopping of the charge process, but of course can also be used to implement remote power control for other devices/processes.

The smart plug can be bound to a defined location. Automatic periodic recharging or charge stop can be configured via main battery SOC level and/or 12V battery voltage level. The plugin can also switch off power at the charge stop event of the main and/or 12V battery.

Since version 2.0, the plugin can also monitor the plug power & energy sensors, if available. Energy counters can be reset from the config page.

Version 2.1 adds an energy data dialog to the status page plugin and the getdata() command.


  1. Save tasmotasp.js as /store/scripts/lib/tasmotasp.js

  2. Add line to /store/scripts/ovmsmain.js:

  • tasmotasp = require("lib/tasmotasp");

  1. Issue script reload

  2. Install tasmotasp.htm web plugin, recommended setup:

  • Type: Page

  • Page: /usr/tasmotasp

  • Label: Tasmota Smart Plug

  • Menu: Config

  • Auth: Cookie

  1. Install tasmotasp-status.htm web plugin, recommended setup:

  • Type: Hook

  • Page: /status

  • Hook: body.post

The tasmotasp-status.htm plugin adds power control to the Status page’s vehicle panel.


Use the web frontend for simple configuration.

Param   Instance                Description
usr     tasmotasp.ip               Tasmota IP address
usr     tasmotasp.user             optional: username
usr     tasmotasp.pass             optional: password
usr     tasmotasp.socket           optional: output id (1-8, 0=all, empty=default)
usr     tasmotasp.location         optional: restrict auto switch to this location
usr     tasmotasp.soc_on           optional: switch on if SOC at/below
usr     tasmotasp.soc_off          optional: switch off if SOC at/above
usr     tasmotasp.chg_stop_off     optional: yes = switch off on vehicle.charge.stop
usr     tasmotasp.aux_volt_on      optional: switch on if 12V level at/below
usr     tasmotasp.aux_volt_off     optional: switch off if 12V level at/above
usr     tasmotasp.aux_stop_off     optional: yes = switch off on vehicle.charge.12v.stop
usr     tasmotasp.power_mon        optional: yes = monitor plug power & energy sensors


script eval tasmotasp.get([true]) -- read power state, true = also read sensor data
script eval tasmotasp.set("on" | "off" | 1 | 0 | true | false)
script eval tasmotasp.getdata([true]) -- read sensor data, true = force
script eval tasmotasp.info() -- output config, state & data
script eval tasmotasp.status() -- only output state & data
script eval tasmotasp.sendcmd(command, [true]) -- send any Tasmota command, true = followed by sensor read

Notes: get(), set(), getdata() & sendcmd() are asynchronous operations, the results are logged. Use info() or status() to show/fetch the current state. Sensor monitoring (if enabled) is done on request and while the power is switched on, with a single final update after switching the power off. See Tasmota documentation on command syntax.

Hint: to use a Tasmota plug for charging on the road, bind it to the module’s Wifi access point.


usr.tasmotasp.getdata     -- trigger a sensor read


usr.tasmotasp.data        -- stream notification, payload = sensor data object (JSON)

See web plugins on how to use the sensor data stream. Note: regular updates are done on the ticker event, i.e. by default once per minute.